Saturday, November 17, 2007

E. T.?

Ok, I haven't mentioned this since I didn't want to whine overly much, but things have been rather strained here at Castle Marius financially. Mrs. Marius has been working as a waitress since July, but her bosses treat their employees like they are all teenagers working for extra gas money, so she's been getting at best 15 hours a week. Over the summer she went through a very lengthy application process to get a more stable government related job, at the end which she was told that she passed all the requirements and would then be put on the list of potential applicants should an opening arise. Great. So it's been a bit tight round here. My pay keeps us in the house, but little else. Fortunately that is all about to end since the government agency(I'm going to be cagey about the specifics of this until I know it's ok to blog about)finally called and she will start with them next week. So why am I bringing all this up now? Because last week our phone got turned off. We barely use the thing, and since we couldn't do anything about it until I got paid on Thursday there was no use fretting about it. But now, after nearly a week without it I'm thinking we should just abandon the landline altogether. We both have a cell phone, and the computer is on cable, so do we really need a monthly bill for something we can easily get elsewhere? Have any of you gotten rid of your landline? How has that worked out for you?

Marius the Curious


Anonymous said...

Dirch the phone. We have not had a landline phone in about three years. We dumped it after storms had our phone knocked out for a week and there was still no end in sight and I was still being charged. And I am cheap and cannot have that. And the people were not sympathetic. So off it went and we have never regretted- or even noticed it. As a plus- no telemarketers.
It doesn't end up saving that much money because all of your calls are now billed (at least on our plan). But I like not having to play for something we rarely use. Oh, did I mention I am cheap?

Anonymous said...

I will not ditch my land line. It was the only thing that worked through 3 hurricanes. I also find the cell extremely uncomfortable to talk on for extended periods of time. Reception is also spotty in my home.
NONSEQUITER : has anyone else had problems with the word verification here? Lately it seems like I have to do it twice. I check carefully (like just now) it's correct & yet I get sent back to verify a second time. Make that 3 times

Unknown said...

Yeah, the word verification can be persnickity. I usually chalk it up to not being able to tell the difference between a and q in the wierd fonts they use. But it beats the spamalicious alternative.

stinkypaw said...

We only have a land line because our alarm is on it and because since we've moved here, the cable hasn't been connected to our building, otherwise we'd only use our cell phones and cable.

Hope things do get better real soon. Hang in there! ;-)

C.L.J. said...

I got rid of my phone five years ago. I have cable internet, much faster than DSL.

As for word verification, it's a time-delay thing. Brief messages don't take long to type, but longer messages take you past the session deadline, forcing you into a new one, hence the new verification request. I guess you're just getting long-winded, Rosebuckle :-)

Turtle said...

I still have the land line, but only for DSL purposes. I don't even have a phone hooked into it....