Tuesday, June 17, 2008

M-m-must Sssurvive...Just..A...Bit...Long..Longer

So I'm having blood work done this morning. It's nothing serious. Just making sure my blood pressure medication isn't hollowing me out one organ at a time. The needle doesn't bother me. Compared to the drinking straws they use at the blood bank, I barely feel that whisper thin little thing. Going in in the morning doesn't bother me, in fact I wish this appointment were earlier. And here's why: I was not allowed to eat or drink anything after midnight last night. Eat is no big deal. I don't usually eat breakfast until later in the morning anyway. BUT I CAN'T HAVE ANY COFFEE UNTIL AFTER THEY'RE DONE!!!!

The horror...the horror.


Marius the Semi-Conscious


Alysoun said...

Be strong, brother..the Coffee Gods will reward your patience...

stinkypaw said...

That coffee will only taste better after!

Purple Pigeon said...

Hope you hung in there! Urgh, needles of any size make my squeemish!