Saturday, April 16, 2005

Mushy Stuff cont.

Doug: I can't imagine how I could have retained any modicum of sanity while at LC without your constant bitching and crabbing. ;-) Your sense of humor is only slightly more twisted than my own, and you have helped me not get so mad at the insanity coming from Alexandria Hall. I sincerely hope you find your escape pod soon, and hopefully someday we can go for a dive together.

Natalie: I haven't taken a new member of my household in decades, and I am proud to have you in the family. You are in a rare category in my life, someone who gets along with both SCA and theatre folks. I hope your new living arrangement is as wonderful as you deserve/desire, and that we will meet again.

Saranysis: You definitely peg the cool meter. One thing I'm learning as a teacher is that students come and go, and often the names and faces fade fairly quickly, but I doubt I will ever forget you. You are talented, beautiful, and smart, and have a great sense of perspective, plus you actually dig some of the same music I do. ;-) Your future is going to be a lot of fun, and I earnestly hope we stay in touch.

Jessica: My first impression of you was 'gorgeous, but kinda spacy' 'cause you just hung back and didn't say much. I have rarely been so happy to be so wrong. You have grown so much over the last two years, and I'm honored to have been a small part of that. You have beautiful, loving heart, and wear your faith like a comfortable sweater. May God continue to guide you along your path in life.

to be continued:

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