Friday, July 04, 2008

...I dreampt I was eating a giant marshmallow...

I have a few idiosyncrasies when it comes to sleeping. I have always tended toward insomnia, and am a very light sleeper, so I've learned to mitigate these problems with various methods. I always have a fan running, even in winter. I need a sheet over me even in the middle of summer. And I can only sleep on a feather pillow. Foam pillows mean little to no sleep to yours truly, so I even bring my own pillow when I travel. The problem with feather pillows is that they wear out eventually, and mine did a few months ago. The other problem with feather pillows is they tend to be expensive, and rather hard to find. So when I found an inexpensive feather substitute pillow it seemed the best of both worlds. And it was quite comfy, for a while. Last month I started having night sweats. I'd wake up nightly with my head and neck soaked. I looked up night sweats, but what was happening to me didn't seem to match. Then, during a long night of sporadic dozes it dawned on me. The squishy foam of my feather surrogate was absorbing my body heat until each night, right around 1 or 2 it started to radiate that heat into the back of my head and neck. As soon as I realized what was going on I went to Linens-N-Things. The cheapest feather pillow was $40. Then I went to Target. Ah, that wonderful store. I found a real feather pillow for $20. That was Monday. I have slept beautifully this week. Take my advise, it's worth a few extra shekels to sleep well.

Night, night.


Oh, yeah, Happy 4th of July.


Purple Pigeon said...

Damn those inferior pillows!

Argh, for some reason the word 'shekels' is glaringly familiar! And i just can't place where i know it from! I mean, theres that haggling scene in MP's Life of Brian, but i don't think thats it....

Thats going to bug me now.

Unknown said...

Shekel also rendered sheqel, refers to one of many ancient units of weight and currency.

Flying Spaghetti Monster bless Wikipedia! :-)

Anonymous said...

As a post menopausal woman, all I can say is how lucky you are to be a man. Ah how I wish that the many years I was awakened by sweats many tinmes in the middle of the night could have been solved by my pillow.
Sleep tight Marius.

Purple Pigeon said...

lol, i know what a shekel is, i just know that theres something in my brain refering to a shekel and its either a song lyric or a line from a tv show and i just can't remember it!

stinkypaw said...

When I read about your night sweats I thought "Menopause"... but then again, how I wish it would be as easy as to change my pillow... Enjoy your new pillow and sleep well!