Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Recall The Dream of Luxor...

I was just watching Jeopardy, and an answer had to do with an ancient Egyptian city, and my first thought was Luxor. The answer actually was Cairo, but it reminded me of how cool of a city name I think Luxor is. Luxor. Luuuuuxoooor. It is the grooviest place name ever. At least to me. So, what is your all time favorite place name?


Anonymous said...

Schenectady. Hands down. I've never been there but I LOVE the way it rolls off the tongue. I have other fave words too: name - Beelzebub, again, rolls trippingly off the tongue; effervescence ~ sounds exactly (to me) like what it is. I've thought about this stuff for years! I have no life!

stinkypaw said...

Chibougamau! That's my home town, and I just love the way it sounds!