Thursday, October 30, 2008


Lung cancer.


Anonymous said...

That is awful. How are you?

Anonymous said...

So very sorry my friend

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry. :( You and your family will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...

Oh hell. I hope she's feeling okay right now -- and you too.

stinkypaw said...

Sorry to read this. My thoughts are with you.

Anonymous said...

There you have it.
Best thing to do is be optimistically realistic and do what you can, let go where you must. Worked for me.
Best wishes.

Purple Pigeon said...

I'm so sorry. Thinking of you x

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry. . . my love and prayers are with you always.

Sam Coney said...

I'm extremely sorry to hear about that, my Grandad got lung cancer a couple of years back.
He only just survived, It wasn't the cancer that was the sad thing...
He was lucky to be alive and had a second chance, but instead of taking that chance he just let himself go.
He's now living on one lung, smokes like a chimney and lives on alcohol.
It is a miracle that he's not dead yet.

I truly hope that your Mom gets a second chnce like my Grandad did, and if she doesn't; Just make sure she's surrounded by love because in the end love is all that counts.
My heart goes out to you and your family, you have my hope and my condolences.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, man. So, so, sorry.

Queen Bad Kitty said...

Time goes by fast.
Talk to her often.
Be with her if you can...
Be open and talk with your
brother too.....lean on each other.
Lean on us.

much love,