Thursday, January 01, 2009

Slothman Strikes...well, be fair Lays Around Again

I'm in West Palm Beach, and doing as little as possible. I'm busy tonight and tomorrow night, but if you want to get together any other time give me a ring. I'm sorry I'm not being the social butterfly, but it has actually proven to be more difficult to be here than I expected, and it's all I can do to keep myself from bolting for home. I want to see folks, so please don't hesitate, but I'm just having great difficulty initiating anything more strenuous than getting out of bed.

Oh, and there won't be any sentimental year-end wrap up here. I'm going to do my best to stay positive about 2009, and I'm also putting out a moratorium on death. If you are reading this, and are alive now, I fully expect you to stay that way for the entirety of 2009, dammit!!

So there.


Anonymous said...

Hang tough my friend! Hope it is sunny and warm in WPB.

Queen Bad Kitty said...

Ooooh warm WPB....
those were the days.
Enjoy whoa nd what you can.



Alysoun said...

I full intend to be leaving commentary for you *at Least* until then.

stinkypaw said...

The first months are rough, but it will get better. I'm not planning to go anywhere, so no worries! Do take care.

Turtle said...

I have to concur. Last year wasn't the bestest I've ever had... (with a few, notable exceptions!) Here's looking forward to a better and brighter 2009.

You joining us tonight for our "play date"?

stinkypaw said...

My dear lazy man, you've been tagged/awarded "Honest Scrap", whenever you feel up to it...