Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Babbling Brook of Semi-Consciousness

Do you ever feel like a ghost, walking the Earth but having no real effect on things? I feel that way now, a feather in the wind, a ping-pong ball in a tumble dryer. A flesh and blood ghost, but without all the cool ghost stuff like walking through walls and being invulnerable and such. I can't even scare people, well not without getting naked in public. I exist at the whim of dead cars, and capricious scheduling, and people who have no idea how a theatre program works, and students who feel that they are entitled to degrees without actually acomplishing anything. Right now my glass is half empty, and I don't even like the drink that's 50% gone.


I know.

I'll be more interesting tomorrow, I promise.

Marius the Bummer

1 comment:

Queen Bad Kitty said...

Try filling the glass half full
of wine, for right now.
Besides, Halloween is right around the corner and it's a great time for ghosts of any sort.
Buck up, little viking.
It'll pass.