Saturday, April 09, 2011

30 Day Movie Challenge-Day 4 - A Film I Watch to Feel Down

Why in the screaming Hell of Bratz dolls and My Little Ponies would I ever purposely watch something to make myself feel down?!


Unknown said...

Well said sir!

Unknown said...
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forget_who_you_are said...

Brokeback Mountain

flurrious said...

I think this question is badly worded. I will often watch movies that I know are sad (i.e., pretty much anything where a dog dies), but I wouldn't say the movies make me feel down in a long-lasting way. Sometimes it's just nice to have a good cry.

Syr Turtle said...

I have to agree with Flurrious. I think it is poorly worded. There are certain movies that are really good, but leave you with a certain "down" feeling after.

I think, overall, the movie that left me the most depressed was "Last American Virgin". It defies the "good guy wins in the end" story that we all want to see. To this day, I can't hear "Just Once" by James Ingram without getting depressed...