I was afraid that today would suck ass like no day ever had, but it's actually been rather nice. Mrs. Marius had to work, but she was home by 10:30am, and we opened our pressies and have been pretty much slugs since. I went out for a bike ride a while ago, and found that Albertson's was open, so I got some mushrooms and fresh asparagus to go with our steaks for dinner tonight. Talked to my dad a little while ago. He sounds like he's coping as well as he can. Oh, that Charlie Brown-esque display above is our Christmas tree. My mother-in-law got it while I was away, and I'm grateful since I really couldn't have cared less about Christmas this year. The Mrs. and I didn't go crazy with gifts this year, but we both loved what we got so that's the important thing. I got her some books, and a fairy figurine and a ceramic gekko, and she got me some dragons, and a tee shirt that has a bunch of Imperial Stormtroopers that says 'Support Our Troops'. My in-laws gave me a beautiful dragon, and a Best Buy gift card that will go a long way toward bringing C's old computer back to life. Now we're just chilling. She's playing on the desktop, and I'm here on the laptop.
I do want to share a lovely thing that happened last night. I have gone on at length about the SimplySyndicated.com forums and podcasts. Well they have a weekly podcast that goes out live, and we can call in, called Richard and Allison's Super Happy Fun Time, or SHaFT for short. They had debated doing a Christmas Eve show, but worried that no one would tune in. Well, the most people ever to tune in to a Simply Syndicated live show showed up last night, including yours truly. Over 100 people were listening live at one point, which is at least double the previous record. Something I haven't mentioned here is all the support I got from the folks on the forums during my mom's illness and after, and I finally got a chance to thank everyone on the air last night. Allison, the den mother to us miscreants and n'ere-do-wells recently lost her mum, and we had a very poignant and emotional moment that I think was really good for both of us. These are really, really good people and even though we have never, and may never meet face to face, they prove that all the bullshit about the internet being an impersonal and cold place is just that...bullshit. In fact, if it weren't for my wife, my brother, and all of you out there whose support I so desperately needed, I don't know if I would be as OK as I am today. And that was the greatest Christmas present of all.
Thank you all for your love, support, and friendship. God bless us, everyone.
I'm so glad you learned that lesson, Marius! I learned it 5 years ago (yes, it's a Clay mention). The love and support of people you've never met can be an extraordinary gift. I'm so glad you recognize it for what it is and can appreciate it and wrap yourself in the warmth and security of it. What is it they say ~ "a burden shared is a burden halved." Well, by sharing with all of your internet friends, you've spread the weight of your loss over a wider area so it doesn't seem so heavy. And the support that results from that is what will help you heal. I love you!
Merry Christmas Rick! Hang in there buddy. I hope you have a quiet 2009. Doug
Lately, I've been really proud and happy to know a lot of people whom I've never actually met, and this includes you, Admiral. You're an inspiration to a lot of people. Let's shoot for an excellent 2009 ... deal?
The privilege is mine. (hugs)
Aw, I like your tree. To me, it's not a real Christmas unless the tree is listing to one side. I'm glad you had a nice holiday, and I hope 2009 is a much better year.
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