Sunday, April 27, 2008


Well, I was supposed to go visit Adam and Bianca this weekend, but then Mrs. Marius remembered that she was going to visit her folks because her grandmother was in town and it was her(Nana's) birthday, so I was supposed to go. But as the day approached, my exhaustion levels peaked, and the thought of having a couple of days to myself was so attractive I decided to risk the wrath of the in-laws and just stay home. Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but between the show, and caring for the excretorially challenged missus I haven't had a real day off in over a month. So yesterday they departed, and I felt like a kid who had been left home alone for the first time. Not that I did anything all that outrageous. I watched Star Trek: Nemesis, which didn't suck as hard as I remembered, and stayed up late. Woots. But it was just very relaxing to not worry about the TV volume, or feel guilty for pausing the movie a bunch of times to make golden sacrifice to the beer gods. It may be because I got married so late in life, but sometimes all I really want is to be alone for a while, and in the tiny Castle Marius that is hard to come by.

So, anyway, in honor of my plan to do as little as possible today, here are some more pics. Firstly, we haven't really checked in with the Kitties-O-The-Apocalypse in a while, so behold:

I found this while searching for something else, and it made me laugh:

And these were fun:

Well, ok, so this one isn't exactly PC, but it made me laugh.

Now I'm going to go for a long bike ride to nowhere in particular.


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