Sunday, August 13, 2006

Anybody Got Some Cheese?

Ok, so I've been doing some pretty heavy duty whining of late, but I'm ready to stop now. I'm still not sure that I've made the right career move, but after a long talk with Targon today I'm feeling much better. Both he and his signifcant other have been in education a long time, and now that I have a better idea of just what it is I have ahead of me I'm not quite as ready to hide under the sink and babble incohearantly. Although I am not thrilled that the certification I need to complete is actually another frikken Bachelor's degree...yet another fact they don't feel the need to reveal during the application process. I don't know. I'm still daunted, but no longer eating my own liver out with worry and panic. But I am, once again, wondering just when I'll find a job that I can settle into and ponder the possibility of retiring from some day. Ah well.

Well, I just re-read this, and it seems that maybe I'm not ready to stop whining after all. Sorry, folks. I'll try to become amusing again any day now.



Keith said...

isn't it 10 years and you retire with great benefits from the public schools?

Anonymous said...

Texas...teach design...

Keith said...

that super hero show is really getting better....

i'm serious too