Saturday, May 08, 2010


As you know I haven't been blogging much, and this post will graphically demonstrate why. The universe is currently engaged in a campaign of continually kicking me in the balls, or so it seems anyway, and I haven't wanted to dump on you, dear readers. But I have to vent this somewhere. Frustration is the emotion I have the most problem dealing with, and it is the most frequent visitor of late. The major cause of this frustration is the CoA. She seems to have outgrown her ADHD, but has replaced it with something called Oppositional Defiance Disorder. She lies, she steals, she breaks every rule we have. She is twelve and a half, yet she acts like she's eight. We've had to leave her alone more and more, and every time she does something that drives me through the roof. And no matter what we try, either punishment for bad behavior, or reward for good, she's like a Borg. It all works once, maybe twice, then she adapts. Her therapist seems to be as frustrated as we are.
We are also in the process of moving, which has its own plethora of aggravations and frustrations, but nothing out of the ordinary. Just the fear that despite our best efforts we won't get our security deposit back, or that the homeowner's association at the new place won't accept our application.
Starbase 66 is more popular than ever, but due to our increasingly complex work schedules we've been having trouble getting together to record. This is not unexpected, nor particularly irksome, but it is another straw added to the pile. That being said the show is one of the highest of the high points of my life right now, and I love my cohosts and our fans.

There are other things, too, like friends who let their boyfriends treat them like shit, and the slow decay of my car, but I've already blathered enough here. Thanks for listening, if any of you have made it this far. Hopefully much of this stuff will clear itself up, and we'll be able to come up with a strategy to get the CoA under control. And if not, I'll just whine about it some more. ;-)

Love and kisses,


Turtle said...

Okay, let's try to allay some of your frustration...

The HOA wants the app two weeks before you move in. That's really not a long time to do much of anything. We figure it's pretty much just a formality, something to earn the fees they tweak out of us... We are the ones putting our trust in you, not them. Don't sweat the home too much - just worry about the kid, and the fact that you are worrying shows that you care, and are doing your best.

Anonymous said...

Vent away- we'll listen. That is what friends are for. Hope the clouds clear soon. Much love from the great lakes.

Alysoun said...

Marius - ANY time you need/want to talk about children and diagnoses, you know how to find me offpublic. Here when you need me...


flurrious said...

I would like to offer you some words of wisdom that would immediately make everything all better but, as you know, I are a dum. But I do know that when life is being all bastardy towards me, I mostly just want someone else to acknowledge that I am entirely justified in feeling (overwhelming anger/crippling fear/your personal emotional hell here) about it. And you are. Hope that helps. It's all I've got. I'm not very useful.

Oh, and happy belated birthday! (See? Useless!)

stinkypaw said...

I'd love to offer a solution, but I have none (that would be legal), so, I'm sorry to read this. Vent away my dear, I'll keep on reading - Hope things settle soon.

Pineville Realtor said...

Hang in their marius. Just think in a couple of years she could have a kid.

So you could have a 16-19 yr old "mother" and a baby living in your house.

I have had several clients this year of this mold. Hang in there! One parent to another. Doug

Unknown said...

Thanks, Doug. That makes me feel so much better. :-p

And the HOA finally signed off on us. The move is go!

Anonymous said...

You have my love, prayers and tons of hugs always. And I'm only ever a phone call away! I love you.